Riga City Pass should be packed in the envelope together with the book guide, gifts and related materials.
All included attractions, special offers and discounts are hidden in the unique QR-code, located in your book-guide. You do not have to activate your Riga City Pass and can enjoy it at once.
All attractions, discounts and special offers are valid till April 30, 2025 (all your vacation long). Hop on-Hop off bus service is limited by type of Riga City Pass (Standard pack/ Light pack)
Before getting any attraction, discount or special offer you have to provide your unique QR-code. After it being scanned you will get your service or privilege.
Please note, that some attractions (for example, museums) entitles the Riga City Pass holder to one visit per attraction regardless of the Riga City Pass type. I.e., re-visits are not possible.

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